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Legislation Supplemental 3.5 – Interim Emergency Coronavirus Relief Timeline: Once a deal is reached, the hope is passage by UC in the Senate...

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Washington, D.C. CMS announced new regulatory requirements that will require nursing homes to inform residents, their families, and representatives...

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Legislation Supplemental 3.5 – Interim Emergency Coronavirus Relief Timeline: Not much has changed since Wednesday (or even last week) on...

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Washington, D.C. The White House released guidelines for Opening Up America Again. The guidelines recommend that states document a “downward...

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Legislation Supplemental 3.5 – Interim Emergency Coronavirus Relief Timeline: There was some hope earlier this week that a deal could come...

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Washington, D.C. President Trump today announced the formation of 17 “Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups” that have been...

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Legislation Supplemental 3.5 – Interim Emergency Coronavirus Relief Timeline: Leader Schumer and Speaker Pelosi appeared to begin negotiations...

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Washington, D.C. HHS announced they are beginning the delivery of the initial $30 billion in relief funding to providers in support of the national...

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Washington, D.C. Education Sec. Betsy DeVos said today she was moving to "immediately distribute" the $6 billion in coronavirus economic stimulus...

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Legislation Supplemental IV – Interim Emergency Coronavirus Relief Timeline/Process: In a statement Tuesday morning, Leader McConnell...

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Washington, D.C. At today’s White House press briefing, President Donald Trump criticized the WHO for being slow to respond to the pandemic...

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