
Visit the GEDA News blog for up-to-date information and the latest news from GEDA. 

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I am writing this as your new GEDA Board of Directors Chairman, a position that I’m honored to hold and excited to begin. I want to recognize...

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A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to speak to the Dublin Rotary Club about the Hyundai project. I always enjoy discussing our experiences with...

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The score was 13-8, them. I looked down at my shoes, trying to help will my daughter Sarah Kate's team to a comeback. This was the third set, and...

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Our house is very old. Well, relatively old – there may be many of you with older houses. Ours was built in either the 1880’s or 1906,...

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I love having a daughter. Sometimes it’s hard being a girl dad. I don’t believe Sarah Kate (SK) started liking me until she was about...

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GEDA Chair’s Column: July 2023 Rain. Summer makes me think of rain. Rain in all the ways – a light drizzle, a short heavy downpour...

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First of all – what a great Spring Workshop! Thanks so much to Stacy Watson and his committee for putting together a great event. The...

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As I write this column, many of us are preparing to attend our Spring Workshop in Athens. By the time you read this, the Workshop may be over...

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April in Georgia turns everyone’s mind to the east Georgia city that hosts thousands every year among its flowers, trees, and hills. Not...

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As Grant and and our team at the office will tell you, I tend to finish this column at the last minute. Or after the last minute. I’m sure...

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